iconbar.*: \T<app.name> icon.|M\Sopen the Make Image window.|M\Aopen the Restore Image window.
Query.*: Click on a button in this \w to continue.
MakeImag.2: \Tsource disc.
MakeImag.3: Using this pop-up menu you can choose the source disc.
MakeImag.12: Use this button to create a standard image.
MakeImag.13: Use this button to create a compressed image.
MakeImag.6: Use this button to perform the image creation in multitask.
MakeImag.8: \Ttime FCFS will use to read/write before giving the control back to the desktop.
MakeImag.16: Drag this icon to a filer window to create the image.
MakeImag.14: Choose a filename and click on this button to create the image.
MakeImag.15: \Tfilename of the image to create.
MakeImag.*: Use this window to create FCFS images from discs.
RestImag.2: \Tsource image pathname.
RestImag.5: \Tdestination disc where the image will be restored.
RestImag.6: Using this pop-up menu you can choose the destination disc.
RestImag.12: Use this button to perform the image creation in multitask.
RestImag.14: \Ttime FCFS will use to read/write before giving the control back to the desktop.
RestImag.16: Click here to restore the image.
RestImag.*: Use this window to restore FCFS images to disc.
Register.*: \Tregistration window. Fill in your name and user code then click on Save.
Register.1: Write your name here.
Register.3: Write your user code here.|MOnly the Authors will be able to supply valid user codes.|MSee the help file for more informations about registering.
Register.6: Click here to abort the registration procedure.
Register.5: Click here to save your registration details.